After 13 days and 497km, the last day was finally here. I called a number of places to find accommodation for Saturday night however everywhere was booked out except River Village on the Victorian side outside of Echuca. As it turns out it was only another 6km along the river. That last 6km was less than an hour on the water but it seemed like an absolute eternity. Immediately I enjoyed a long shower, did some washing, put on some clean clothes, then went into town and played tourist. Bec (sister) arrived at 9pm and thus ended my journey. The river experience was great but now I was truly focussed on cleaning off and getting back to the Gold Coast. There are certainly no regrets and I will be back to complete the last 1700km in the not too distant future.

Final hurdle - Hauling all my equipment and kayak up the long staircase

Final night at the river